在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2015年1期《未成年人附条件不起诉制度监督考察机制研究》
河北政法职业学院, 河北石家庄 050061
起止页码: 48--54页

Study on the Supervision and Investigation Mechanism of the System of Conditional Non-prosecution of Juvenile Suspects
ZHAO Hongxing
Hebei Professional College of Political Science and Law, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050061, China
The system of conditional non-prosecution is an important system stipulated in the code of Criminal Procedure Law after its modification in our country.The establishment of the system accords with the restorative justice philosophy and the doctrine of prosecuting discretion,which is advantageous to enhance the lawsuit efficiency and has an important legal value.The existing law provisions have several defects:single subject of the main part of supervision and investigation,status and ability facing an embarrassing situation,the content of supervision and investigation too general,the lack of relevance,supervise inspection system is too principle,the lack of effective supervision and inspection mechanism,the lack of the main responsibility for the supervision and inspection,reducing the effect of supervision and inspection.To ensure the effect of the system of conditional non-prosecution of juvenile suspects,the system should be improved in such aspects as expanding the scope of the main part of supervision and investigation of conditional non-prosecution,building "six in one" supervision and investigation system,establishing the perfect and proper supervision and investigation mechanism,setting the targeted and feasibility investigation content according to physical and mental characteristics of the juveniles,and establishing normative supporting system of the supervision and investigation mechanism of conditional non-prosecution.

收稿日期: 2014-12-19
