山西大同大学浑源师范分校, 山西浑源 037400
起止页码: 6--10页
Discussion on the Causes of the Occurrence of Beiyang University Protests in 1924
SHI Liang
Hunyuan Normal Branch School, Datong University of Shanxi, Hunyuan, Shanxi 037400, China
Students of Beiyang University in Tianjin set off a protest storm in 1924,due to the dissatis-faction with the school system and the principal Feng Xiyun.They did it in the way of strike and petition for their own future.The protests were closely related with four causes:the school's affiliation relation-ship between rights and responsibilities;the interaction of politics and culture;the manager's own quality and outdated educational system.It can be drawn that the political system should reduce the intervention in social organizations,so as to enhance the autonomy of the school.Especially compared to the brutal elimination system of the Beiyang University,the implementation of the new academic system was more popular with the students.By analyzing the cause of the wave of protests occurred,some implications can be acquired for the management of contemporary higher education.
收稿日期: 2016-06-20