在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2017年4期《晏阳初的乡村建设人才思想及其在定县的实践——以“平校毕业同学会”的运作为例》
河南科技大学 马克思主义学院, 河南 洛阳 471023
起止页码: 1--6页
DOI: 10.13559/j.cnki.hbgd.2017.04.001

Yan Yang-chu's Thought of Rural Construction Talent and Its Practice in Dingxian County——Taking the Graduates Union of Civilian Schools as an Example
REN Jin-shuai
Institute of Marxism, Henan University of Science and Technology
In order to promote the development of rural construction in Dingxian County,Yan Yangchu established graduates union of civilian schools with young peasants as the main body,trying to extract the rural endogenous forces.Although this approach achieved some success,it paid too much attention to young peasants and neglected the complicated political,economic and cultural structure of the rural society.As a result,the system of graduates union of civilian schools was confused and the external resistance was great,which affected the effectiveness of the construction work.Studying Yan Yang-chu's thought of rural construction talent and its practice in Dingxian County will contribute to the molding of the talents team in the new rural construction

收稿日期: 2017-06-10
基金项目: 国家社科基金重点项目《近代以来华北区域城镇化进程研究(1860-2000年)》(13AZS018)
